‘Tis the season of giving … and hosting family and friends … and maybe feeling overwhelmed by all the planning and festivities. Don’t fret about forgetting something amid all the chaos. Make holiday hosting stress-free and give your guests exactly what they want and need by following this checklist.
Start the visit on the right foot by making your guests feel welcomed and safe.
Especially if you have overnight guests, give them some room to unwind by themselves and feel at home. It will give you the privacy to unwind in your own space as well.
Take a cue from successful Airbnb hosts who know the ability to come and go with ease is one of the leading ways to make guests happy.
Visitors can feel uncomfortable rooting around in your fridge or pantry.
Whether going out or staying in, make it easy to enjoy each other’s company.
When giving gifts to house guests, consider thoughtful items like fresh flowers, a bottle of wine, local treats from your area, a nice candle, a small gift basket with snacks, or even tickets to a local attraction you think they'd enjoy. Just remember, if your guest is flying home, keep the gift small so it's easy to pack.
Every family’s traditions are different, but you can’t go wrong by following this simple holiday hosting checklist. Make guests feel welcome while giving yourself the chance to enjoy the season as well. Need more hacks for getting your home ready to host for the holidays? Check out our blog archive for simple updates you can tackle when you’re in a holiday hurry, including ways to improve your home security for the holiday season.
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